The season of Makuru

In the south-west of Western Australia the Noongar people follow a yearly calendar with six seasons: Birak, Bunuru, Djeran, Makuru, Djilba and Kambarang.

The Noongar seasons
Join me as I observe my local environment and learn about the Noongar seasonal calendar. In this series, I’m seeking out the signs during each season and recording my personal observations and experiences in my nature journal.

Signs of Makuru

Makuru is cold and wet, well and truly winter. This season typically occurs around June and July, and it's also the time of fertility, when birds begin to pair up and get ready for breeding. Everything prepares for the wet and wild weather and cold nights.

Noongar seasons: Makuru
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My observations

The nights were getting colder. Strong gusty winds arrived from the southwest, with heavy rainstorms causing large puddles in the yard. There was even hail one morning. In fact, while I was away on my overseas trip a large storm knocked over the back fence and caused serious damage in the suburbs.

I spotted lots of fungi on a bushwalk and the Geraldton wax flowers started to blossom pale pink and cream along the driveway. In the backyard lots of birds were calling, presumably finding mates.

In my nature journal

Unfortunately I wasn't able to record anything for a YouTube video this season because I was away overseas and fell sick a week before the trip. Hopefully next year I can complete this season properly. For the same reason, I didn't get anything specifically down in my nature journal but here are pages from that time showing the signs of nature around me:


How many seasons would you divide your weather into? How often do you notice distinct changes in the wind direction, temperature, animal behaviour and flowering? They might not be the same length of time either. Share your thoughts in the comments below.