Inktober 2024

December Update: Inktober is complete and I managed to finish off everything (except for the Tasmanian blue gum) by mid-November. Here's a map of each state and territory's emblems:

Before I share the other resources I'm creating from the completed Inktober drawings here, I'll see if I can finish that Tasmanian blue gum (it was a mental block but I think I can tackle it now). So stay tuned for further updates to get downloadable goodies! 🎁
I've lost count now of how many Inktober challenges I've participated in (recent ones linked below) so I guess it's no surprise to anyone when I say I'll be joining in again this year. I'm hoping to make it successful by preparing for it well in advance and sharing my plans here to help keep me accountable. Posting my progress on my website is especially important as a social accountability tool, considering I am no longer using Instagram due to Meta's policy of scraping images to train their AI.
Once again I won't be following the official prompt list but rather working on my own project. This time it will be to create line art drawings of 29 Australian emblems. I have an ongoing project to nature journal them all, and this will work alongside that project:
I'll be using the same materials as last year for the inking - a Pentel Pocket Brush Pen and bleed-proof marker paper. My plan is to draw each emblem on watercolour paper first and then trace with the pen over the top on marker paper (that is thin enough to see through) to create separate line art. After Inktober I will paint the drawings (aiming for November) and upload the line art as resources for my Ko-fi members.
During September I've been preparing by finding suitably-licenced reference photos (mostly CC-BY) for each emblem and considering my materials and process so I can jump straight in on Day 1, full of motivation.
Check back throughout October to follow my progress! 😄
Previous Inktober posts:

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