September Meetup - King's Park
The weather was warm enough to have us seek the shade as we sat to nature journal. The cafe was bustling and children's laughter could be heard from the nearby playground. After a quick introduction to nature journaling and discussing ways to do a comparison in our journal we set out to find our flowers from the cafe garden bed. As these were full of natives and had little signs they were great to comfortably study and learn from. Afterwards we grabbed a quick drink before they closed and shared our pages, discussing what we had observed.

Wow, we've reached the 3 year anniversary of the Perth Nature Journal Club! 🥳Like in previous years, let's nature journal the wildflowers in King's Park. 🌷
Let's compare two subjects of our choice to discover the similarities and differences between them. Perhaps choosing the same species growing in different locations, or different species from the same genus? Record observations using words, pictures and numbers and include questions to learn more about our special wildflowers at this beautiful time of year.
A demonstration of the activity will be given at the start, with plenty of time for self-led or guided nature journaling before a group discussion and time to share at the end.
Note the afternoon time and meeting point at Zamia cafe - from there we can either wander into the bush to find our subjects, or look through the surrounding garden beds for inspiration. Whether you have been nature journaling for a while or are a complete beginner, join us and have fun outside (or inside with a coffee if you prefer ☕) with other creative-minded and nature-loving people.
All skill levels are welcome. Children must be supervised at all times. Please register if you plan to attend.
Date: Saturday 30th September 2023
Location: Zamia Cafe, King's Park - 50 May Drive, Kings Park WA 6005
What to bring: A journal and your favourite mark-making tools (spare supplies will also be available). Some good walking shoes, a water bottle and maybe a snack. Remember to slip-slop-slap-wrap if the sun's out, or an umbrella and raincoat if there's a chance of rain.
Cost: This is a pay-what-you-feel event. The suggested donation is $10/per individual and $20/per family, but it is up to you. Your support goes towards costs of running the nature journal club and is very much appreciated.
Member discussion