April Meetup - Len Howard Conservation Park
Focus on an observed species in more detail and learn how to create a species account in your journal.
Beginner Nature Journaling Workshop
Learn how to integrate your curiosity and knowledge of the natural world onto the pages of your own journal, in this nature-journaling workshop that is suitable for both children and adults!
March Meetup - Lake Monger
Learn how to nature journal a nature walk at Lake Monger.
February Meetup - Whitfords Nodes Park
The Perth Nature Journaling Club will be meeting on Sunday 26th February 2023 at Whitfords Nodes Park.
January Meetup - Manning Park
The first event for 2023 will be at Manning Park, Hamilton Hill.
December 2022
Once again I'll be taking a break during December so I won't be running a Perth
November Meetup | Perth NJ Club
Visit the Mandurah wetlands for a day trip at Creery Wetlands Nature Reserve. There are plenty of birds to spot, walk trails, viewing platforms, information signs and toilets at the cafe.
October Meetup
We luckily avoided the rain and caught the last of the wildflowers in the Botanic Gardens at the October meetup.
September 2022 - cancelled
Due to the forecast rain this event has been cancelled. Sorry, hopefully next month we can try again!
August 2022 + watercolour workshop
It was a rainy day and unsurprisingly kept people away, so there was no watercolour workshop this time.
Wandering around