March Meetup - Lake Monger

Lake Monger is a wetland with a large lake just north of Perth, that is a popular spot for exercise, birdwatching and going on nature walks. It even has city views at the northern end (where we'll be meeting).
We'll begin by setting up a page with some metadata including a map, before walking around the lake (3.5 km, up to 1 hr walking time). While walking we will observe using our senses and learn from the interactive plaques along the trail. Occasionally we may stop to discuss our observations and questions or to add to our pages. At the end of the walk sit in a shady spot to complete your page using a variety of visual elements such as sketches, colour or callouts. At the end, we will share our journals.
All skill levels are welcome. Children must be supervised at all times. Please register if you plan to attend.
Date: Saturday 25th March 2023
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 AM
Location: Lake Monger - Dodd St end.
What to bring: A journal and your favourite mark-making tools. Some good walking shoes, a water bottle and maybe a snack. Remember to slip-slop-slap-wrap if the sun's out, or an umbrella and raincoat if there's a chance of rain.
Cost: This is a pay-what-you-feel event. The suggested donation is $10/per individual and $20/per family, but it is up to you. Thank you for your support!
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