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Upcoming Workshops

There are many workshops planned for April and May, reserve your ticket now!
Upcoming Workshops
Nature journalling workshops for everyone!

School Holiday Workshops

Star Swamp Bushland, North Beach

Wednesday & Thursday 16 & 17th April, 9:30 AM

School Holiday Beginners Guide to Nature Journaling
Get tickets on Humanitix - School Holiday Beginners Guide to Nature Journaling. Henderson Environmental Centre, End of, Groat St, North Beach WA 6020, Australia. Dates from Wednesday 16th April 2025. Find event information.

As part of WA Tree Festival, get outdoors during the school holidays and join us for a morning of nature journaling at Star Swamp Bushland in North Beach! 

Explore Star Swamp and the Henderson Centre and learn more about the nature at your doorstep, using a nature journal. Have fun being creative in nature these school holidays. 

  • This event is best suited to children aged 8 years and over. All children need to be supervised by an accompanying adult. Parents and carers must stay on site for the duration of the session and are encouraged to join in.
  • Tea and coffee provided for adults.

This school holiday activity is presented by the City of Stirling as part of WA Tree Festival 2025.

Reserve tickets (FREE): https://events.humanitix.com/nature-journaling-at-the-henderson-centre/tickets

Mindful Nature Journalling for Seniors

Herdsman Lake Discovery Centre, Wembley

Monday 28th April 2025, 10 AM

Mindful Nature Journaling for Seniors | WA Gould League
Enjoy a relaxing, creative and social workshop where you will learn the mindful technique of nature journaling. Tea & biscuits will also be provided amidst the stunning backdrop of peaceful Lake Herdsman.

Enjoy a relaxing, creative and social workshop where you will learn the mindful technique of nature journaling.

  • Morning tea will also be provided amidst the stunning backdrop of peaceful Lake Herdsman.
  • Universal Access Facilities available.
  • Ticket also includes entry to the Discovery Centre, with a range of animal and environmental interactive exhibits.

Tickets are $10, available here: https://www.wagouldleague.com.au/event-details/mindful-nature-journaling-for-seniors-2

Tree Festival Nature Journalling workshop

Henley Reserve, Leda

Saturday 3rd May 2025, 10 AM

WA Tree Festival- Nature Journaling
Discover the world of nature through Nature Journaling

Discover how to use nature journalling to learn more about the wonderful world around you and keep a lasting record of your experiences in nature. There will be a particular focus on the trees of Henley Reserve. Bring along a sketchbook or journal and any drawing materials (paper and pencils will also be provided) and learn the basics of nature journalling.

  • All skill levels welcome, no artistic requirements! Watch a demonstration on how to create your own pages filled with writing, sketches and notes then explore a subject of your choice.
  • Due to time frame, workshop caters for 12 years and older. It is an outdoor activity, so wear enclosed shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather. Bring a hat and water bottle.
  • A light fruit platter will be available during the workshop.

Reserve tickets (FREE): https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wa-tree-festival-nature-journaling-tickets-1281854414059

This workshop is presented by the City of Kwinana as part of WA Tree Festival 2025.