Upcoming Workshops
There are many workshops planned for April and May, reserve your ticket now!
February Meetup - King's Park
Find out about upcoming nature journaling workshops in the Perth area.
Oct/Nov Events
Join us for some nature journaling together.
Kids nature journaling workshop
Find out about upcoming nature journaling workshops in the Perth area.
September Events
Join us for some nature journaling together.
July Meetup
Find out about upcoming nature journaling workshops in the Perth area.
June Events
Find out about upcoming nature journaling workshops in the Perth area.
May Events
Find out about upcoming nature journaling workshops in the Perth area.
April Events
Find out about upcoming nature journaling workshops in the Perth area.
March Meetup - Zamia Café King's Park
Catch up on your nature journaling projects or bring along something you're working on and get feedback at this month's meetup.