Camping at Dryandra Woodland NP
If you want to spot elusive numbats and other unique species in beautiful bushwalking terrain then this is the place to go.
The season of Birak
Birak is known as the first summer (with Bunuru being the second) and typically occurs from December to January.
The Noongar seasons
Join me as I observe my local environment and learn about the Noongar seasonal calendar. In this series, I'm seeking out the signs during each season and recording my personal observations and experiences in my nature journal.
February Meetup - Whitfords Nodes Park
The Perth Nature Journaling Club will be meeting on Sunday 26th February 2023 at Whitfords Nodes Park.
Red-and-Green Kangaroo Paw (WA)
Towards the end of August, the kangaroo paws start flowering and it's a delight to spot them so close to home. This is probably the easiest emblem for me to find and nature journal!
January Meetup - Manning Park
The first event for 2023 will be at Manning Park, Hamilton Hill.
How to include research in your nature journal
If you've ever asked nature journaling questions, you may have been curious enough to follow up with some of them. Maybe this led you down "a rabbit hole of discovery", or research!
December 2022
Once again I'll be taking a break during December so I won't be running a Perth
Plein Air Down Under
I joined the 3-day plein air painting festival and put my art skills to the test!
WA Museum | Nature journaling outing
I visited the WA Museum Boola Bardip to nature journal the unique biodiversity of Western Australia.