The first Australian nature journaling conference
I arrived in Brisbane a few days before the conference began and met Bethan (@journalingwithnature) who very kindly let me
May Events
Find out about upcoming nature journaling workshops in the Perth area.
From nature walk to journal page
Have you ever gone on a walk and wanted to record that experience to look back on another day? Or taken a journal with you on a walk but felt unsatisfied and rushed, with only rough scribbles to show?
April Events
Find out about upcoming nature journaling workshops in the Perth area.
March Meetup - Zamia Café King's Park
Catch up on your nature journaling projects or bring along something you're working on and get feedback at this month's meetup.
2024 Inaugural Australian Nature Journaling Conference
The inaugural Australian Nature Journaling Conference will be held in Brisbane on 23-26 May as well as an educator workshop and conference dinner.
February Meetup - Star Swamp
For the first meetup of 2024 we will be joining a guided walk by the Friends of Star Swamp Bushland. Turn it into an awe walk and find out how to transform your photos or field notes into a nature journal page afterwards.
2023 Perth NJ Club feedback
Did you join us at any of the Perth Nature Journal Club events this year? Or didn't manage
The season of Kambarang
It felt as if we'd time-travelled into the peak of summer, when it hadn't even officially begun yet!
The season of Makuru
Makuru is the first winter when cold nights and heavy wind and rain arrive from June - July.